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Saturday, July 21, 2012

You Walk In It

I'll cut the intro and get on with my main point. Let's talk shoes.

What kind of shoes to girls really want to wear? Well, I don't know about you but I prefer the comfortable ones mostly. Of course, there are exceptions like on dates and other occasions where you feel you need to kill your toes to look extra gorgeous to the audience (whoever they may be). So in this blog, let's tackle on the pros and cons of some types. Starting from number 1...

1.) The Sky Highs

Of course, if your of the female species (or of the male species wanting to be in the female species), you'd know that the term "sky highs" mean those sandals with killer heels that reaches up to the sky (hence the name). And you'd also know there are various types, but I won't mention them one by one. Google it.

So why wear them? Coz they look great! That's the main and ONLY point of wearing these deadly heels. If you want to risk your life to look great, go ahead. Of course, choose the design wisely. It must fit your clothes  and most importantly, it must fit you.

Of course, stating the disadvantage would be obvious (and indirectly stated in the above paragraph).

2.) The Sneakers

Now this one is the more popular, more widely used sneakers. It is used for everyday cruising, hanging out, going to the mall, to the beach or to virtually anywhere that doesn't require dressing up or heaving walking/running.

Of course, this one's great coz it's comfy, it doesn't kill your feet (unless you're wearing a size smaller than your actual feet, then that would be another story), and it's very versatile! What could go wrong right? Well, let's just say I've had my share of painful toes with my pair of sneakers. It may be because I just don't know how to walk in them or their tough exterior at the ends just don't agree with my toes too much.

3.) The Trainers

So here is another popular choice. Mostly popular with athletes around the globe because of their design, durability, flexibility, and functionality. Of course, among all types of shoes, these are probably your best bet at having the most potential benefits. Shoe researchers and designers create them to match the needs of ones body so what con could it possibly have?

Being a girl, I could list a number of cons (so forgive me). Being a non-athlete, I don't really have much use for heavy duty shoes so their heavy weight is a drag, their bulky frame is awful, and the ventilation is even worse (got smelly feet, anyone?).

4.) The Barefoots

You see, my boyfriend has one of these nifty shoes. His was colored blue but it looks exactly like the one in the picture. Now what's wrong with this one, you ask?

Let's looks horrible (sorry guys...not much of a fan) so the design could've used some help. Also, it doesn't go along with ANY type of clothing! Formal, casual, semi-formal, even a measly pair of sweats wouldn't complement them. So now you know why I am not exactly an advocate.

But, of course there's a but. But, they do have their good points (as reported by boyfie). They are super comfortable you'll feel like you're walking barefoot (to the point of actually feeling the tiny pebbles, holes, and whatnot on the street you're walking on). The medical slash health benefits are also high (as is reported in researches). However, if you plan on hiking in unknown terrain, best not to use these. Just a tip.

5.) The "What-The-Hell-Are-Those?"

And then there are those occasional shoes that makes you think "What the hell was the designer thinking?!". Of course, sane people wouldn't dare wear them on regular, day-to-day activities, but occasionally, you do see those special ones trying to make their place in society sporting these (let's admit it) ridiculous shoes!

I could name a million disadvantages about them so I'd rather not list them all here, except for one, that it is utterly ridiculous! So what ARE the advantages of these "new, modern designs" (let's just call it that). I could only think of one (forgive my hopelessly biased, closed-up mind). That it is a show-stopper, head-turner, or whatever you'd like to call it. So, if you'd like to be as unique as these shoes are, well, you'll definitely like these.

So there you are. A few of my nonsense critics on one of the world's greatest possession. Shoes.

If you ask me, I'd rather have flipflops, but hey, that's just me. =)

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