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Friday, July 6, 2012

The Vampire Hunter

Mr. President. The Vampire Hunter. Now wouldn't that be cool? Eh? Not.

For another one of those somehow-getting-frequent spontaneous girl's day out with my bestie, we decided to have ourselves some movietime. =D

Took a quick (and really cold) shower, a little food to sustain me self for the travel, and off I was in a cab speeding towards SM under the rainy downpour of Cebu. Met up with Chibon, lots of chikkas happened, lotsa laughs and window shopping, a little time over the ATM for some greens and then more chikka moments in Flame It for an early dinner. Finally, movietime. =D Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. =D

 It was a spur of the moment decision. I saw some trailers for this movie a while back and I thought it was interesting. Got attracted to the movie poster in the cinemas so I suggested, Chibon agreed. =D

It wasn't a movie I expected. The scenes weren't what I expected and it was more goth-like than I had previously imagined. =p Had me and Chibon at the edge of our seats, really. =p Disgusting-looking vampires graced the big screen and burned right into our memories. 20minutes into the gore and we were both ready to give up and just speed our way out of the theatre. =D We were that....disturbed. =D

I'm not sure if we were just too much of scaredy-cats or if the movie really drove us mad, but we were scared. Yes we were. And so were the rest of the audience in the theatre, if I recall it correctly. So good job to the movie producers, I guess? =p

Thankfully, by the end of the show, the gore was lessening and it was easier for us to watch the movie without fear of having our hearts ripped off from fear. A little exaggeration there but you get my point. =D Truthfully though, we had our eyes covered half the time because we were too chicken to watch the gore with eyes wide open. A little embarrassing, but yes, its true. =D

It was a good movie, if I may say so. Not that great, but really good. =D But hey, I'm in no position to critic any movie as I'm nobody. So go see it for yourself and well, let's just see how you fair. =D

Finally, it was over and we spent the rest of the way home talking and catching up. =D I miss the little chinese bonsai. =D

Friends forever. <3

PS: No pictures were taken. We've probably gotten over our camwhoring stage. =D

PPS: Was able to finally purchase a new set of contact lenses today! Just saying. =D


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