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Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Love Month

It's February and yes, I'm feeling the love. =)

Everyone's celebrating the month with hugs and kisses and chocolates and roses and what do I do? I'm going to Palawan! =)

With barely a month left with him, how can I not? He'll be leaving soon and I'm told I have to do what I can to spend my days with him. Yes, I'm pretty sure we'll meet again. In about five months, maybe, but the time can and will take its toll somehow. And something might change. Something will. So before anything goes awry, I've decided to do what I can to savor these last days with him. And if things go better than planned, well then, its a good hoorah for us, ei? =)

But this month is bittersweet. You see all the smiles, but behind it, tears are welling up. And it will overflow. Only time will tell.

In just 10 more days, the day of Valentine will arrive. And I don't know how we'll celebrate it. Or if we ever will. Financial constraints, time constraints, work constraints. It's pretty hard to adjust. But I will, for sure, make the best of what I can.

I can only hope God sees how sincere we are and bless us with more years. <3

Cheers to togetherness! =)


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