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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fifty Shades. Period.

I've finally plucked enough courage to say in this blog that indeed, I was...interested, with a slight touch of captivation, of my latest read, Fifty Shades [of Grey, Darker, and Freed]. I surprised myself for the first time with this. I never expected I'd find it interesting. Let alone finish all 3 books in just 4 days. I'm not sure if it's a product of boredom, sheer interest and too much time on my hands, but yeah, I finished it. Surprise, surprise.

I think I'm much more shocked because I found myself somehow relating to the "hearts and flowers" side of the story. I guess I never really admitted to myself, in my 24 years of existence, how much of a hopeless romantic I am. And yes, despite all of the erotic, quite indecent situations I found reading through, I believe the entire trilogy speaks of a bond between two souls that transcends even the worst of pasts, most painful of presents and the shadiest of futures. Plain and simple, unconditional love.

Yes, this was quite the controversial trilogy, what with the way society has shaped our minds and ideas regarding, well, to put it simply, sex. And if you were the type of reader who puts everything literally, then yes, you would see them as lewd, embarrassing and very "uncharacteristic" of those with high morals.

But somehow, I found myself stuck not on the illicit acts but on the "why's" behind it. I became captivated by the complexity and pure crazy personality that is Christian Grey. To find a man who is practically the object of every woman's fantasy so vividly depicted in the books and then find him equally wounded, if not fatally imperfect, with his sad past and his crazy obsession is like seeing the reality behind that fantasy.

The book was a solid, somewhat quite lengthy explanation of the imperfections of man. It speaks of finding the goodness in everyone, even those with the most horrific pasts. This may be fairytale-ish, but I believe this to be true.

As I said, it brought out the hearts and flowers side of me. Never one to admit that I love all those embarrassingly mushy romantic gestures, I surprised myself whilst reading by wishing that I, too, would experience such a beautiful form of love. To be able to find your perfect half and share the rest of your imperfect life, having them shower you with everything you need, could possibly want and more, and having them protect you and keep you safe to the best of their abilities is something we can only hope and wish for.
And frankly, this is too much of an uncommon thing in our reality.

I guess, that's what makes this book so captivating to most of us. That somehow, the hero and heroine find and fulfill their love despite and in spite of everything, the good, the bad, and the very, very, ugly. In the end, they found each other.

It's a not-so-classic version of romance. But romance, nonetheless.

I am placing positive marks on this book, and though I'm not quite sure I'll be reading books of the same genre any time soon, I'm quite happy knowing that somehow, the books have made me face my hopeless romantic side and made me admit that I, too, am a woman who loves hearts and flowers.

Until the next read.


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