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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

When it Rains

It's the 31st of May, 2012. It's my day off. And it's raining.

I am not writing this blog with a specific thought in mind. I just want to keep someone posted as to my whereabouts and happenings.

Right now, I'm in the bedroom, on my sister's bed, cradling the laptop and listening to the sound of raindrops falling outside. It's been raining heavily for a couple of days now. Quite a big change from the striking heat we experienced the entire summer. With this strong rain though, I betcha it won't take long before people start missing the heat and the dry roads.

However, contrary to what others might feel, I, on the other hand, am finding serenity and relaxation in this rain. Rain has always been a source of comfort for me. When I'm down, I feel like the sky is crying for me. And when I'm happy, I feel like the rain signifies bountiful blessings. My mood calms with each raindrop. Of course, there would always be days when muddy roads and water-logged shoes get on my nerves. I am wearing an all-white uniform after all. But besides that, rain has always been a friend. And I have no complaints over what comes after the rain either.

Don't you just love the moment after the rain stops and the sun begins peeking out of the clouds? That moment of joy when the first rays of light appear and the faintest feeling of heat strike your face? And then the beautiful silence that follows the last raindrop. Well, that's one of the greatest moments we are blessed to experience. It's pure poetry in motion. And one we take for granted.

Life is full of boundless beauty. And we see them every single day but take little notice of it. I'm making it a point to be thankful for every blessing, no matter how small, that comes my way. It may not be much but it's my way of protecting life.

It's silly. I'm writing all these nonsense things in a blog. Goes to show I've got nothing else better to do. ^^ No matter, at least when "he" reads this, he'll think of me. And we'll be a step closer. ^^

Oh and I just did some major life-changing errands this morning. Keeping my fingers crossed it works out well. I'm keeping my mouth shut about it though. Don't wanna jinx it. ^^

Wish me luck!
Toodles! ^^


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